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The Southland Summer

  Feb 01, 2023

The Southland Summer

While it has again been a great summer for those of you that have been on holiday, spare a thought for our farming community.

At the time of putting this together, Southland is starting to get dry and many dairy farmers are increasing the amount of supplementary feed in the form of grain, silage or baleage. Fortunately, Southland had a great Spring and many farmers have built up a good supply of feed supplements on farm. However there are many ongoing challenges for our farmers, including pressure on space at processing plants, rising feed costs, rising interest costs, lowering commodity along with a dry period - this is not an ideal combination.

We are already seeing more farmers who are wanting us to review their 2023 tax positions, update budgets and cashflows, to ensure they are accurately planning and have the necessary funding available from the bank. If we can help you get a better understanding on your tax or cashflow position, please talk with our team.

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