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Highlights of 2022 at Malloch McClean

  Dec 09, 2022

Highlights of 2022 at Malloch McClean

December always sneaks up on us.

As 2022 draws to a close, we are looking back at the highs and lows, reflecting on it all, and expressing gratefulness for opportunities and growth. Equally, we are looking forward to next year; to coming back after the holiday period refreshed and ready to learn, progress and help other businesses do the same.

Most of what we are grateful for is our wonderful clients. It’s a privilege to work alongside so many incredible people and help them create smarter, better businesses. So thankyou, for your continued support!

2022 has been another challenging year, so instead of dwelling on the past, let’s look back with pride at some of the things that the Malloch McClean team has achieved:


The Xero Awards took place in November; we were finalists in the “Advisory Partner of the Year” category and WON “Large Accounting Partner of the Year”. This award reflects our commitment to training and helping clients have a better Xero experience as well as understand how to operate a better business.

This year we had our long-service awards, and had a luncheon for the 18 team members that have been with MMCA for 20 years or more. We value the loyalty and experience these team members bring to our clients and company.

On an individual note, our own Jeremy McClean received his CAANZ fellowship award—a prestigious award that recognises leadership, mentoring, and contribution to the community.

MMCA team members attended Xerocon in Sydney in September, learning and networking at the event dubbed “Coachella for accountants”. We also had a strong presence, learning and developing our knowledge at The Gap conference in Queenstown in October.

It was a privilege to participate in the Graeme Dingle Foundation Drop for Youth, an annual fundraiser for the Southern region. We loved seeing Nadia Collins (Senior accountant and team leader) bungy jump and raise $1,200 for the foundation.

Our free workshops for business owners were well supported and received by those that attended. We ran a total of 30 of these, equipping people to upskill and grow.

This year we released our Farm benchmarking statistics, providing a helpful resource for our rural clients to compare their performance with averages in the sheep, beef, and dairy industries.

As a show of appreciation to the team for their hard work, the directors have given everyone Friday afternoons off in December. Our office will be closed each Friday from 12.30pm until the end of December. This serves as a well-deserved “thank you” for a fantastic year.

Outside of our traditional accounting services, Our most popular advisory service in 2022 was business mentoring - It has been a pleasure to work alongside so many incredible business owners to help them succeed. 

Team updates

Several new additions were made to our leadership team in 2022 as we moved talented people up to fill gaps and provide unique skills and perspectives. 

  • Tracey Gibb – Promoted to Principal
  • Michael Hunter – Promoted to Principal
  • John Schol  - Chairman & Business Coach
  • Blair Evans - CEO & Business Coach

We are excited about the incredible breadth and depth of experience that makes up Malloch McClean’s leadership as we move into 2023.

Finally, we are proud of the Malloch McClean team for living out our core values: family first, fun, proactive, congruency, and empathy. We always challenge ourselves to ensure that we are living into our values as this provides a better experience for us and our clients.

From our team to yours, best wishes for the festive season, stay safe and enjoy the time with family and friends. If you are wanting to set new business goals, catch up with us in the new year to put your plans into action.

Take care,
The team at Malloch McClean

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