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The rural market: what we are seeing this month

  Mar 10, 2022

The rural market: what we are seeing this month

The rural market: what we are seeing this month

  • The dry period is certainly starting to bite, more feed going into dairy farms to fully feed cows and to take advantage of the higher commodity prices.
  • Given the dry and additional feed being used, ensure that you are assessing your winter crops and feed levels.
  • Livestock farmers are closely monitoring their options to destock given the dry and fear of COVID in the meat industry. 
  • Generally farmers are being very cautious around spending, many starting to plan and prepare budgets for next season.
  • Given farm input costs are likely to remain higher - what can you control/lock in for next season? Help manage that risk.  
  • Interest rates are continuing to rise, so again a good time to talk with your bank about your options and strategy to manage that risk.
  • COVID plan - If or when COVID hits your farm, have a plan and discuss it with your partner/team.

At Malloch McClean, we provide locally tailored business and strategic solutions for agribusiness of all sizes. From environmental conditions to risk management plans, volatile macro implications to succession structures, we understand the complex factors that may affect your agribusiness. To see how we can help you build a smarter, better farming business, get in touch. 

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