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Rural Update: Sports and Business – what can we learn?

  Jun 09, 2022

Rural Update: Sports and Business – what can we learn?

Rural Update: Sports and Business – what can we learn?

As we come to the end of the farming season, let's take a page from the playbook of successful sports teams to learn how they reflect on their past season. First, they make time to debrief—asking questions like:

  • What went well?
  • What could have been improved? 
  • What do we need to keep doing?
  • What changes need to be made? 
  • Do we have the resources/team to achieve our goals?

How do they do this? They ask the team, they get feedback, they look at the results and reports so they can be better next season. Have you taken time out of your day-to-day business activities to debrief and plan for the year ahead? As the new farming season approaches, it’s a great time to assess where your team is and where you want it to go.

  • Are you performing at the level you want?
  • Are there areas that need improvement?
  • What are your goals?

If you haven’t taken some time to think about these questions, now is a good time. 

Planning and setting goals will help provide a focus for your business efforts, but how can you increase your chances of successfully achieving your goals? The answer to this is accountability. 

The most fool proof way of ensuring you complete the actions you’ve committed to, is to give someone nagging rights to follow you up. This may be your personal trainer at the gym who makes sure you show up at 6am, or it could be your accountant who checks in on you every 90 days to make sure you’re on track to completing your actions and achieving your business goals.

At Malloch McClean we are increasingly doing more coaching and mentoring work with our clients to help them stay on track and improve their business. The sessions vary from monthly, 2 monthly or more commonly quarterly coaching sessions as we help our clients understand how to build a smarter, better business. These meetings are not your typical accounting meeting, they are more focussed on your business today and looking forward.

If you’d like to chat about what you can do differently this season to enable your business to thrive, book a time with us today.

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